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South Africa Wilderness Trail

The word ‘trail’ means ‘path’. You will walk a path in the wilderness, your path in the wilderness. The power of a trail is that nature becomes your teacher. It authentically shows that everything is interconnected. The trail in the iMfolozi Game Reserve is a journey through pristine nature, partly in silence, inviting you to marvel and become wild.

Participants have various motives for going on a trail. Perhaps you are seeking more meaning in your work, maybe you want more connection with your loved ones, or perhaps something is gnawing inside and you’re ready to discover what that is. The common thread we experience among participants is an (unconscious) desire to come closer to oneself.

We consciously do not work with models and a predefined program. However, we do work with what presents itself and according to Ian’s famous saying: “Trust the process”.


The trail takes place in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park. We stay in one of the most beautiful lodges in the park on the first and last night. We spend 6 days on trail in iMfolozi, the part of the game reserve where there are no people, roads, or accommodations, true wilderness.

For peace and tranquility, you surrender your phone and watch. So, you must be ‘unreachable’. The organization knows where the group is in the park, if necessary. We take as little as possible with us; sleeping gear, food for 6 days, and minimal clothing because we carry everything ourselves in a backpack. We are accompanied during the trail by wilderness guides Ian Read and Rodney Hlatswayo.

We walk a few hours each day, with necessary breaks to rest and eat and drink. In the evenings, we set up camp, make a fire, and Ian cooks a delicious meal. At night, we all take turns keeping watch, unforgettable hours under the starry sky.

We fly to Johannesburg on a Friday (day flight), stay in a hotel at the airport, and take a flight to Durban the next morning. In Durban, we are picked up by a van and driven to the HluHluwe-iMfolozi game reserve (3.5 hours). The return flights are on a Saturday (evening/night flight).

Before the trail, there is an intake interview, and approximately 6 months after the trail, we have a follow-up session together in nature for about half a day. We try to combine this with Ian’s visit to the Netherlands around that time.

Mixed Trails – Dutch and Zulu

We all have a need for something essential. This applies to our connection with our loved ones, what we do in our work, and sometimes even in our daily ‘ordinary’ lives. Doing a trail in South Africa touches on that essential aspect, there’s no doubt!

We regularly opt to organize mixed trails; participants from the local community and participants from the Netherlands go on the trail together. Apparently very different people, which actually brings out the common, our essential, even more! We have experienced how beautiful this is and, in our opinion, it enhances your experience in the wilderness.

If you’re interested in a mixed trail, let us know.

Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Game Reserve

Hluhluwe-iMfolozi is the oldest game reserve in South Africa (KwaZulu Natal region). The Big Five are present, and many other animals and plants live there (84 species of mammals, 350-400 bird species, 1200 plant species). The park is home to the largest population of black rhinos in Africa. It is a gently hilly area with classic savannas. The park is located 3.5 hours’ drive north of Durban and covers approximately 96,000 hectares.

Hhluhluwe-iMfolozi was established in 1895 to protect the rhinos. This is one of the largest parks in South Africa, at least as beautiful as Kruger National Park and much less crowded. We go to the iMfolozi section, where there are no roads or lodges. We trek on foot, carrying our own luggage (± 70 liters) with us. We are accompanied by armed wildlife guides, who are at home in the wilderness like no other, where you feel at home faster than you can imagine.


For more information about dates, check the Agenda..

Cost of a Trail

The price of the trail is € 3,950 (excl. VAT); this does not include the flight(s) and the overnight stay at Johannesburg airport.

A trail (possibly supplemented with a number of coaching sessions) is often reimbursed by many employers (personal & professional development).

Kenchaan Foundation

Ian is a co-founder and Mirjam is a board member of the Kenchaan Foundation. Kenchaan is committed to the conservation of the iMfolozi Game Reserve. We donate € 500 per participant to the Kenchaan Foundation. Kenchaan is dedicated to the conservation of iMfolozi and the surrounding communities.

"Understanding the way of life, our own path becomes more clear’’


24-uurs Veluwe jongerentrail

9-10 februari 2024

Op 9 en 10 februari 2024 organiseren Mirjam en Kristel een 24-uurs trail voor twintigers op de Veluwe met Zuid-Afrikaanse wildernisgids Ian Read. Ian is oud-rugby speler en werkt al ruim 30 jaar in de wildernis. Hij kan als geen ander laten zien wat natuur en stilte met je doen!

Heb je behoefte om even uit je drukke leven te stappen en helemaal terug te gaan naar eenvoud? Buiten slapen, potje koken bij het vuur, naar de sterren kijken, wandelen (zonder mobiel of ander apparaat). Een goed gesprek, misschien een nieuw perspectief op zaken en anders in ieder geval de allerfriste neus van 2024?!

De 24-uurs trail begint op vrijdag 9 februari om 12 uur en eindigt op zaterdag 10 februari om 10 uur. Kosten: €50 per persoon (voor eten, drinken, locatie). De locatie is Vuurplaats Welna. Routebeschrijving Vuurplaats Welna.docx

Meenemen: goede wandelschoenen, warme slaapzak, warme kleding en een rugzak(je). Als je een tent hebt, neem deze dan mee. 

Laat ons weten of je erbij bent (Kristel (06-51878600) of Mirjam (06-41810354))


Jordan trail
Signature dish

Van 6 tot 13 juni 2023 is Mirjam met een groep jongeren (17-21 jaar) naar Jordanië geweest. Het was een uitdagende, prachtige trail, vol persoonlijke ontwikkeling. De data voor de volgende jongeren trail in 2024 zijn nog niet bekend. Heb je interesse, laat het ons weten.

Brochure met meer info

Trail met bedrijfsteam in Nederland

Een dag op de hei? Dat klinkt bekend.

Alleen hebben wij geen agenda of actiepunten. We nemen teams mee de Nederlandse natuur in, en in de rust komt veel aan de orde.

8, 24 of 48 uur samen in de natuur.

We wandelen, soms in stilte, voeren gesprekken in de kring en rond het kampvuur, leren elkaar (beter) kennen, reflecteren op onszelf en op het team. Een andere omgeving, offline, met aandacht voor elkaar.

De ervaring leert dat de dag erna de gesprekken bij het koffiezetapparaat anders zijn. Teamleden kennen elkaar beter, weten elkaar op de werkvloer gemakkelijker te vinden en hebben samen meer slagkracht.

Een groep bestaat uit 6-24 personen met 2 facilitators.


Kijk voor meer informatie over data onder Agenda.