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Leadership Program

We offer tailor-made programs in the business world. These programs span a longer period during which a personal and professional deepening takes place. A Hartebeest program will always incorporate components from nature, our nature. The group consists of 6-10 participants from an organization, preferably from different departments. In addition to the development of each individual, we focus on group development. It is important to us that a horizontal group emerges within the organization that knows how to collaborate to bring about improvements in the organization.

The training often consists of 4 blocks of 2 days each and a follow-up day. The group is assigned ‘homework’ which participants work on individually and as a group. It revolves around taking leadership first over oneself, then over one’s team, and then gaining further insight into communication in general and energy management. The groups that go through the program become more effective as individuals and with their teams. It is also noticeable throughout the organization that more leadership is displayed, resulting in visible work with more vision and enjoyment.

Purpose Program

What does your heart beat for? Kristel’s heart beats faster for a program where we explore our passion, desires, your purpose. Still in development. More information coming soon…